
16 channel Installation (2021)

Opening: 7.6.2021
Show: 8 - 9. 6.2020

Mirabell Garten | Orangerie Garten, Salzburg (2021) 
Special thanks to Soprano: Vida Matičič
Sweet Spot: Biotop (Lounge für Elektroakustische Musik - InterMediation Musik - Vermittlung - Kontext; Mozarteum, Salzburg

Anamnesis is an effect defined by the Centre for Research on Sonic Space and Urban Environment (CRESSON) as “the often-involuntary revival of memory caused by listening and the evocative power of sounds”.

This site-specific piece consists of field recordings of the Orangerie - Mirabell garden (sunrise, sunset and night) portraying it's own acoustic ecology. Combined with field recordings from the Amazons from my own archives, representing the exotic and what an Orangerie stood for. And a floating voice singing some of the Papagena’s lyrics (“Zauberflöte from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)portraying the centre piece of the garden: the Papagena Fountain and it's fertility.

The work is an ode to the living spirits, spatial poetics, acoustic memories from this garden.


Jun 09
Orangerie Garden in Mirabell Garden, Salzburg (AT) - Show Ends
Jun 07
Orangerie Garden in Mirabell Garden, Salzburg (AT) - Opening