Radio Ensayo (MX)

Decentralized Internet live radio station broadcasting from the Yucatan, Mexico.

Aeronoise 008

El trabajo de Natalia Domínguez Rangel (Colombia/Países Bajos) se ha relacionado con la arquitectura, la acústica, la tecnología y la naturaleza. Su principal interés es cómo el sonido afecta y resuena en un cuerpo fisiológica y psicológicamente, y cómo la escucha crítica profundiza, extiende y establece conexiones con otras ecologías acústicas, no solo con la antrofonía. En este nuevo episodio de Aeronoise, dedicado al arte sonoro, @nataliadr1presenta una cuidadosa selección de su obra reciente y de otras obras anteriores.


Natalia Domínguez Rangel (COL-NL) work has been connected with architecture, acoustics, technology and nature. She is interested in how sound affects and resonates with a body physiologically and psychologically, and how critical listening deepens, extends and set connections to other acoustic ecologies not only to the anthrophony. In this new episode of Aeronoise, dedicated to sound art, Natalia presents a careful selection of her recent and previous works.

1. Female Orgasm (2021)
2. Etude 2 – Between the Natural and the Artificial (2020)
3. YUM film– Helen - from archives (2020)
4. Un tirano meláncolico (2015)
5. Beat – from archives (2017)
6. Night – from archives (2017)
7. Anamnesis (2021)
8. Scene 4 – Agnes film – Flora – from archives (2018)
9. Soundscape III from Song Cycle – Convulsions of Time (2015)
10. LUMEN (2020)
11. I Feel You (2020)
12. Missed call – from archives (2016)
13. Soundscape H – The Invisible (2019)
14. The word “lady” (2020)
15. Etude 1 – Between the Natural and the Artificial (2020)
16. 27th August FKA -from archives (2020)
17. Breathing blanket – Soft Skills – Claudia (2020)
18. Failed Architecture – Abrupt – (2019)
19. Failed Architecture – On the Road 1 (2019)
20. Under Saturn – Act 3 (2018)
21. She Wolf – So Ham choir – Eric- from archives (2019)


Jul 29
Radio Ensayo (MX)